The Mission

10 Day. Level: Easy, 1.530 km, 15% dirt-road                   Price Info

This tour can easily be combined with the “Amazonia” tour integrating La Paz, the (in-) famous Death Road and a 2 day wildlife excursion in the Rurrenabaque jungle.                                                                                                                 “The Mission” is a short motorcycle tour in the lowlands of Bolivia (Chiquitania), which combines motorcycle riding with culture and nature. The tour is specially designed for people with an interest in photography. The difficulty level is classified “Easy”, ideal for motorcyclists with little to no dirt-road experience looking for new challenges. The Mission tour takes to the 300 year old and only remaining Jesuit missions of South America. The 7 remaining of these spectacular mission churches have been classified as UNESCO World Heritage sites since 1991. 
In addition to this cultural aspect of the tour, the Chiquitania region offers a wealth of unique natural attractions.                                                                    Highest riding peak: 1.650m (Samaipata).

Day 7. To El Torno (alt. 400m), 280 km, 0% dirt-road                                       We continue over the recently asphalted Brazil expressway, crossing Rio Grande, in direction of the metropolis of Santa Cruz.                                        Just before we reach our hotel in El Torno, we ride the last special on this tour: A very narrow suspension bridge, just before to jump into the hotel pool. Take care, it´s moving. 

Day 8. Samaipata (alt. 1.650), 100 km, 0% dirt-road                                      Following a winding mountain road, with amazing memories and experiences from our adventures we head back to Samaipata. The hotel´s pool awaits us…

Day 9. To Santa Cruz                                                                                          Late in the morning, we set off for Santa Cruz where we can relax, hanging around the plaza and do some souvenir shopping. In the evening, we have a farewell dinner.   

Day 10. To the airport                                                                                    Always a sad moment when we say goodbye. But who knows? You won´t be the first to come back for more…


Day 1. Airport pickup at Viru-Viru, Santa Cruz (alt. 400 m)                             We will pick you up at the airport of Santa Cruz/ Bolivia from where we drive to the small town of Samaipata (120 km, 2,5 hours). There we check into a comfortable hotel and spend the rest of the day to relax and discover.                If your flight arrives late, you need to spend the night in Santa Cruz. In that case the following day is considered as Day 1. 

Day 2. Samaipata (alt. 1.650 m)                                                                          We start with the briefing where we learn more about safety riding, our route, the local traffic rules and about each other. To get used to our bike, we go for a ride to the archeological site of “El Fuerte”. Classified World Heritage by UNESCO, it is an old Inca town build around the, much older, largest stone sculpture in the Americas. For some people, it is an ancient Alien landing field!

Day 3. To San Javier (alt. 540m), 380 km, 0% dirt-road                                 Early in the morning we start our tour on a winding asphalt road, towards Santa Cruz. After dealing with the traffic chaos, we cross the Rio Grande over a huge modern bridge that runs parallel to the old railway/ road bridge built in 1959 in Puerto Paila. After two hours of relaxed driving we stop to admire the grandeur of the first mission church in San Javier.

Day 4. To San Miguel (alt. 485m), 290 km, 20% dirt-road                                   In San Javier we visit the first Jesuit Mission church from anno 1752, than Concepcion, the capital of the missions where we visit the majestic church and we ride a special dirt track to a mysterious black rock into the jungle.            Next stop is the completely rebuilt mission church in San Ignacio. After a short visit there we begin the dirt-road part of this tour and if we are lucky we will see some capibaras (big rodents) along our road. 40km later we arrive in the small village of San Miguel, where time flows at a more relaxed pace. We visit a wood art workshop, we than have plenty of time to shoot night pictures of the stunning mission church.

Day 5. To Santiago de Chiquitos (alt. 620m), 330 km, 50% dirt-road
Early in the morning we take a dusty road in the direction of the impressive mission church of San Rafael. This mission and its contents have been preserved for 300 years. After a chance to take photo´s we continue our journey to the hidden Santa Anna mission. For lunch time we stop at a tavern in a Mennonite religious community centre.                                                            Then we continue on a strait jungle track for about 2 hours, 5 wooden bridge crossings and then rubber touches the asphalt again. Late afternoon we arrive at our destination: Santiago de Chiquitos. Photo shooting of the mission church is a must.   

Day 6. San José de Chiquitos (alt. 300m), 150km, 0% dirt road                       In the morning we ride to the view point of Cumbre de Santiago. Here we can see the passage to the Amazon basin razor-sharp, surrounded by mysterious phallic stone formations, this panorama is an absolute highlight.
After lunch we continue via the Brazil expressway and we follow a good asphalt road to the small village of Chochis. No tour would be complete without seeing the giant 180m rock tooth which stands solitary and dominates the landscape. After a short visit of the sanctuary, we reach our hotel in San José de Chiquitos, the last mission church of the tour. This final church is architecturally different compared to the other mission churches, but no less spectacular to photograph.  

The best way to explore Bolivia by motorcycle

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