
16 Day. Level: Medium, 2.385 km, 30% dirt-road       Price info

This tour can easily be combined with the “The Mission” tour, integrating a wealth of unique natural attractions and the famous Jesuit Missions churches (World heritage site by UNESCO) of the Chiquitania region.

The Amazonia tour takes you from the breathtaking highlands into the steaming Amazon basin.

Many “asphalt” roads consist of stringing together potholes. To avoid them, precise, tiring slalom driving becomes a real challenge.
Also on this tour program: The infamous “Death Road” and a 100 years’ time travel in Totora.
Photographer get prepared for an unforgettable 2 day trip to the Amazonia pampa. From a safe longboat or on a hike, we can observe capibaras (species of water pig), thousands of birds, sweet water dolphins, anacondas, 3.5m long crocodiles, turtles and curious groups of monkeys. Special events are: Crocodile watching on a night excursion, the piranhas fishing and the swimming with sweet water dolphins… don´t try the opposite!
Highest riding peak: 4.650m.

Day 6. To Caranavi (alt. 980 m) via the Death Road (alt. 4.650 to 1.450 m), 165 km, 40% dirt-road
Leaving the crowded streets of La Paz behind us, we climb the “Cumbre de Coroico” till 4.650 m altitude. Today we have to traverse the famous “Death Road”, what was once officially the most dangerous road in the world. Plummeting down into the tropical Yungas region the views are magnificent and if we keep our speed down, we have a very good chance to arrive safely in Coroico. If we survive the “Death Road”, we get a chance to prove our bravery on a 500 m zip line, maybe in spider position?
After all this, we get to ride a real death road as it continues from Coroico to Caranavi. This time there are no tourists on mountain bikes. Instead it is filled with cars, trucks and buses that are all in a deadly hurry.

Day 7. To Rurrenabaque (alt. 200m), 250 km, 30% dirt-road
The narrow mountain road slowly levels out as we reach the edge of the Amazon basin. We continue to our destination, Rurrenabaque the jungle/ pampa trekking capital of Bolivia on the shore of Rio Beni. Although it is a native Amazonian town, there seem to be more gringos tourists then Indians on its dusty streets.

Day 8. Amazonia (by local tour operator) via Santa Rosa de Yucuma (alt. 170m), 105 km by mini bus and boat
The road to Santa Rosa is rough, dusty and hot, but just before it all becomes too much we have an relaxing touristic lunch. In the afternoon we change to the typical longboats to reach our pampa lodge on the shores of the Yacumo river.
Once installed, we start exploring this amazing natural hub, filled to the brim with wild animals such as crocodiles, capibaras, sweet water dolphins, turtles, various species of monkeys and literally thousands of birds.
After dinner we try our luck with piranha fishing and at night we do some extremely exciting crocodile watching (all ecofriendly of course).

Day 9. Amazonia (by local tour operator) and return to Rurrenabaque
In the morning a sunrise walk to capture one of the (in-) famous 12 m Killer-Anacondas, with 2 heads (Yeah!), followed by for many people, the highlight: Swimming together with the amazing pink, sweet water dolphins.                  After lunch we leave this little paradise, returning by the same ways to Rurrenabaque.

Day 10. To San Ignacio de Moxos (alt. 140m), 235 km, 10% dirt-road
We are plenty busy avoiding potholes whole the day and quite exhaust when arriving in this sleepy indigenous town of San Ignacio de Moxos, which only offers basic comfort, but  with A/C.

Day 11. To Trinidad (alt. 130 m), 95 km, 10% dirt-road
The day starts with breakfast at the local market and continues with… guess?… potholes…
Just before reaching Trinidad we pass Rio Mamoré by a small pontoon.
Trinidad, the capital of the department Beni, is a large Amazonian town where people rides in the evening with small motorbikes around the main plaza while conversing and having “Capuchino Frio”, cold Capuchino… not a joke!
Special attraction is a Boeing 727, which crashed in the jungle close to town.

Day 12. To San Ramon (alt. 500 m), 370 km, 0% dirt-road
Today we enjoy asphalt again and… though less potholes…
At the end of this rather long day we reach San Ramon, a first destination of the Jesuit Missions towns of the Chiquitania region.

Day 13. To El Torno (alt. 400m), 280 km, 0% dirt-road                                      We continue over the recently asphalted Brazil expressway, crossing Rio Grande, in direction of the metropolis of Santa Cruz.                                        Just before we reach our hotel in El Torno, we ride the last special on this tour: A very narrow suspension bridge, just before to jump into the hotel pool. Take care, it´s moving.

Day 14. Samaipata (alt. 1.650), 100 km, 0% dirt-road                                  Following a winding mountain road, with amazing memories and experiences from our adventures we head back to Samaipata. The hotel´s pool awaits us …

Day 15. To Santa Cruz                                                                                        Late in the morning, we set off for Santa Cruz where we can relax, hanging around the plaza and do some souvenir shopping. In the evening, we have a farewell dinner.

Day 16. To the airport                                                                                    Always a sad moment when we say goodbye. But who knows? You won´t be the first to come back for more…


Day 1. Airport pickup at Viru-Viru, Santa Cruz (alt. 400 m)                           We pick you up at the airport of Santa Cruz/ Bolivia from where we drive to the small town of Samaipata (120 km, 2,5 hours). There we check into a comfortable hotel and spend the rest of the day to relax and discover.              If your flight arrives late, you need to spend the night in Santa Cruz.                In that case the following day is considered as Day 1.

Day 2. Samaipata (alt. 1.650 m)                                                                       We start with the briefing where we learn more about safety riding, our route, the local traffic rules and about each other. To get used to our bike, we go for a ride to the archeological site of “El Fuerte”. Classified World Heritage by UNESCO, it is an old Inca town build around the, much older, largest stone sculpture in the Americas. For some people, it is an ancient Alien landing field!

Day 3. To Totora (alt. 2.800 m), 265 km, 0% dirt-road                                    This day starts with riding through scenic mountain road, cloud forests and many stops at spectacular view points.                                                              At the end of the afternoon we enter Totora, a small colonial village, laid out as a labyrinth of alleyways and bridges, where time stands still since 100 years. A paradise for photographers.

Day 4. To Cochabamba (alt. 2.500 m), 145 km, 0% dirt-road
The road to Cochabamba is all high quality asphalt that curves though picturesque valleys filled with farms and fields. We have lunch on the shores of a large lake where the menu is fresh fish or fresh fish, you choose…
The ride into Cochabamba is chaotic. A good practice for the traffic horrors of El Alto tomorrow. Our hotel is close to the main plaza, where we can have the best us known “café cortado” and for dinner we enjoy the best us known “Pique Macho”, a traditional dish.

Day 5. To La Paz (alt. 3.700 m), 375 km, 0% dirt-road
Leaving the valley of Cochabamba, we first stop at an ancient railway bridge to get dressed for colder areas. Than we quickly start to climb until 4.400 m. Through desolate, but beautiful, mountain scenery, we reach the altiplano (high planes). By the new build motorway, we cross the altiplano desert and quickly reach La Paz, the defacto capital of Bolivia.
In the afternoon we start to a round trip over La Paz and El Alto by funicular, unique in the world. Actually there are 7 lines in service. Don’t worry: Made by Doppelmayr, Austria.                                                                                              It is possible to visit the witches market where we could buy anything ranging from magic potions and amulets to mummified lama embryos.                            In the evening we can witness the changing of the guards at the presidential palace.

The best way to explore Bolivia by motorcycle

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