Motorcycle Diaries

9 Day. Level: Medium, 920 km, 60% dirt-road             Price info

 Motorcycle Diaries is our smallest tour and dedicated to the famous revolutionary Ernesto Ché Guevara, who died in 1967 while trying to start a revolution in Bolivia.
Mostly we follow the “La Ruta del Ché” and enjoy the fantastic roads and scenery of Bolivia. Some of our roads are the same that Ché took to escape.
Possible options:

  • Vado del Yeso, where passing Rio Grande, almost the entire Tania and comandante Joaquin group was massacred. Only one “guerrillero” survived.
  • Encounter with members from the “Fundación Ernesto Ché Guevara” in Vallegrande.

Highest peak: 2.400 m.

Day 5. To Monteagudo (alt. 1.130 m), 120 km, 50% dirt-road
Following dusty gravel roads across wild scenery we continue to Monteagudo. No infrastructure for far, lunch picnic on the road.
Only basic comfort available.

 Day 6.  Via Lagunillas to Camiri (alt. 810 m), 160 km, 60% dirt-road
We continue our route to Muyupampa and Lagunillas, were we visit the place where the guerilla camp was located. Our way leads us through the gas production zone of Bolivia. In Camiri, we visit a hotel room where Ché spend a night in 1967.

 Day 7. To Samaipata  340 km, 0% dirt-road
In the morning we leave Camiri. The road to Samaipata takes us alternately over sandy tracks, the road is more or less the route Ché escaped or asphalt roads along the Piraí River, the Eastern cordillera up to Samaipata, our starting point. Or we continue the classic road to Samaipata, on group´s decision. We leave our bikes behind and hurry to jump into the hotel´s pool.

 Day 8. To Santa Cruz
Late in the morning, we set off for Santa Cruz where we can relax, hanging around the plaza and do some souvenir shopping. In the evening, we have a farewell dinner.

 Day 9. To the airport
Always a sad moment when we say goodbye. But who knows? You won´t be the first to come back for more…

Day 1. Airport pickup at Viru-Viru, Santa Cruz (alt. 400 m)
We pick you up at the airport of Santa Cruz/ Bolivia from where we drive to the small town of Samaipata (120 km, 2,5 hours). There we check into a comfortable hotel and spend the rest of the day to relax and discover.
If your flight arrives late, you need to spend the night in Santa Cruz. In that case the following day is considered as Day 1.

Day 2. Samaipata (alt. 1.650 m)
We start with the briefing where we learn more about safety riding, our route, the local traffic rules and about each other. To get used to our bike, we go for a ride to the archeological site of “El Fuerte”. Classified World Heritage by UNESCO, it is an old Inca town build around the, much older, largest stone sculpture in the Americas. For some people, it is an ancient Alien landing field!

Day 3. To La Higuera (alt. 1.900 m), 175 km, 50% dirt-road
Leaving early in the morning, we stop in Vallegrande to visit the Ché mausoleum, Tania Tamara Bunke´s tomb and the hospital´s laundry building, where revolutionary hero Ernesto Ché Guevara´s lifeless body was first presented to the world in 1967.
After lunch, we continue our ride towards the tiny mountain village of La Higuera, the place where the Ché was captured and executed. On the road it’s possible to observe condors, the world biggest bird.
Before arriving at the hotel in La Higuera we have the option to detour on a special ride to a fantastic view. In the evening around the campfire in the courtyard of our hotel, we listen to Don Juan’s experiences from the time of the guerrilla war.

Day 4. To Villa Serrano (alt. 2.100 m), 120 km, 100% dirt-road
After visiting the historic school building where Ché Guevara was executed and the related sites, we leave towards Villa Serrano. On the suspension bridge over the Rio Grande we have a snack stop and if the conditions are good and the water level is safe, we can go for a swim.
In the afternoon we arrive in Villa Serrano, Bolivia’s capital of charango music.  It´s a kind of a small, double 5 strings guitar, very difficult to play.

The best way to explore Bolivia by motorcycle

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