Our Team



Motorcycle enthusiast, BMA’s owner, operator and lead guide

I ride motorcycles my whole life and since I got my first motorcycle I travelled further and further…
My first serious bike was a Yamaha XT500.
Before I worked with humanitarian Non-Governmental Organizations and in the petrol industry and arrived 1997 in Bolivia for a medical development cooperation project.
I am medically trained and speak five languages.
Married to Ñoñy.
Today I live with my family in Samaipata/ Bolivia and share my motorcycle passion with bikers from all over the world.
Bolivia is an awesome biker country.



Santa Cruz coordinator

All organizations, transfers, institutions and administrations orders go through me.
My favourite occupation: Having maaany Capuccinos.
Married to Roland.



Assistance vehicle driver, professional motorcycle mechanic, motocross enthusiast, farmer and so much more…

I learned the high art of motorcycle mechanics in my father’s workshop.
With my family I live near Samaipata/ Bolivia.
With the assistance vehicle I follow Roland and our biker guests everywhere.                            Sometimes we switch positions. I ride in front, leading our group and Rolando takes over the assistance vehicle.                                                   I assist our guests and coordinate with Roland in all matters to successful realize a tour.

The best way to explore Bolivia by motorcycle

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